Depicting the future of civilization based on a partial interpretation approach

Document Type : Original Article


Master of Quran and Hadith, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


Visualizing the future of civilization in a partial approach is done in two ways: "studying the condition and behavior of previous nations and societies" and "examining divine promises and news that indicate the future state of societies".The validity of these two forms is based on some narrative, intellectual and theological foundations, according to which, first of all, many religious verses and traditions introduce the purpose of learning a lesson in life, the philosophy of referring to the fate of previous nations.Secondly, according to the immutable traditions of God, the causes of these incidents and events can be modeled and generalized to all times and places;That is, God has created traditions and laws since the time of the past nations that never had a specific aspect and can be generalized in the form of a series of laws about all nations from the past to the future, based on which, the factors of growth and prosperity or decline and decay of nations. And the tribes are predicted in it.In fact, this picture is general propositions or laws about the events and characteristics of future affairs, which were inspired by the situation of the previous nations, verses concerning the future and divine promises, and they are essentially different from the issue of prediction and inevitability.


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